Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sunshine over the Harbour

The ferry is here in the harbour and the sun is shining on the water. I shall be off on the ferry to Auckland at 4:30, where I will stay the night. It will be such a relief to relax and get away from the computer and lists of things to do. Next problem is that I have too much luggage and I am sure once I have struggled on and off the ferry I shall be culling my belongings in Auckland.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Time to head North

The rain has arrived from the tropical north with heavy rain warnings for the Coromandel Peninsula. Definitely time to go. Only Four sleeps till I leave for Melbourne.
The crab apples are picked and the jelly made, a bumper crop of feijoas is dropping to the ground, the blinds on the deck are down, and wood pigeons fly overhead checking to see if the guavas are ready to eat. As I swept up the autumn leaves, I thought how strange to be heading off to another spring!
The list of things to do is growing shorter and I will be very glad to leave it all behind.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Getting Started

Two weeks today and I shall be on my way. The pieces of the giant jigsaw, which is my trip to Europe and UK, are finally slotting into place. So much to look forward to.
Last evening I donned my woolly winter cardigan and this weekend daylight saving fnishes.
Mice (or even more worrying, rats) have moved into the ceiling! Definitely time to fly north.