Friday, May 9, 2008

Buon giorno di Milano

It has taken me some time to get used to all these foreign computers. Nothing is where it ought to be! I have not got around to writing any more about my travels but I have been keeping notes and more will be forthcoming. Meantime, suffice to say my hosts are wonderful and the weather is gorgeous and gets better as I continue my journey west into the sunset! The further south I go the temperature rises.
Next week France and I can swap my Italian phrase book for my French dictionary. I have been getting all three languages confused at times. If one doesnt work I try another!
Successfully so far.
Now I will try adding a photo.
It is of Jennie and I lunching in a very typical Melbourne lane. She has a new job which started this week and so far so good, she is enjoying it.

1 comment:

Daphne said...

Good luck with the strange foreign keyboards - Graham Battye's in Burgundy drove me nuts, but it was great to be able to blog from France, and I hope you will too.